Hinderberger Group - Instruments
electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometers
Our high filed pulsed EPR spectrometer running at W-band regime (3.4T/ 94GHz). The W-band uses a Bruker E680 console, a TeraFlex microwave bridge along with an oxford IPS-120 power supply. A cryogen free magnet (Cryogenics 2017) with an integrated VTI (Virtual Temperature insert) produces magnetic fields up to 6T and enables operations between 2K and room temperature. Magnet operation is controlled by Cryogenic software and as of the Bruker console, we use Xepr. The setup is equipped with an ENDOR cylindrical resonator (EN600-1021H, Bruker).
X-Band Pulse EPR Spectrometer
The Elexsys E580 Bruker spectrometer, operating at X-band range (0.3T /9.7GHz) at both cw and pulse modes. We use a closed cycle cryostat (ARS- 4WH, www.arscryo.com) to supply Helium. We got a digital upgrade of the system (Bruker Biospin, 2019) on microwave bridge controller, Hall field controller, signal processing unit (SPU), SpecJet-III (0.5 ns of transient resoloution) and PatternJet-II Pulse Programmer.
A second MW source (Magnettech GmbH) is provided for electron double resonance experiments. The X-band frequency is amplified either by a 1kW Traveling Wave Tube (TWT-Applied system Engineering, USA) or a 300W-solid state amplifier (Bruker Biospin, 2022). An arbitrary waveform generator (SpinJet AWG, Bruker, sampling rate of 1.6 GS/s and 0.625 ns time resolution) enables us to use shaped pulses (Bruker Biospin, 2022).
The X-Band is also equipped with an RF power amplifier (ENI 3200L, 200W, 250KHz-150MHz), DICE pulsed ENDOR unit (E560D-P-RF).
e setup has two flexline split-ring resonators ER4118X–MS3 (pulsed EPR) and a flexline probehead ER4118X–MD4 for ENDOR measurements.
The EMX-plus Q- spectrometer from Bruker, operating at Q-band range (1.2T /34GHz)in the CW-mode. We use a closed cycle croyostat (ARS- 4WH) along with a SOMITOMO-F70 compressor and Mercury iTC (Oxford Instruments) to reach and control temperature ranges between 5 and 300K. Qunitina is equipped with an ER5106QT/W cylindrical probehead.
MS 5000 mit Multi-Wavelength Fiber Coupled LEDs
Multi-Wavelength Fiber Coupled LEDs
Freiberg Instruments/Bruker
The benchtop electron spin resonance (EPR) spectrometer measures paramagnetic species at X-Band frequencies in continuous-wave (CW) mode. Measurements of solid or liquid samples with a volume of 12-100 µL can be performed at temperatures from the boiling point of liquid nitrogen up to 200 °C. EPR spectroscopy is suitable for the investigation of (bio)chemical systems with strongly localized spin density and their interaction with the environment. It provides information about structure and dynamics of the system of interest.
Multi-Wavelength Fiber Coupled LEDs
The fiber-coupled high power UV, Blue, Green, Red and NIR LED multi wavelength light source modules are effective replacements of lasers and lamps in many applications. We use them for photochemical reactions and irradiation of samples inside the MS5000 EPR spectrometer to investigate photochemical radical formation or decay.
Miniscope MS400
Both spectrometers are used for research (spin probing, spin trapping and spin counting), as well as training. These spectrometers can be operated in a temperature range from -180°C up to 200°C. They are equipped with rectangular cavity TE102. Maximum available field range is up to 6500G. Their sensitivity is about 108-109 spins/G. Nitrogen temperature measurements are possible using liquid nitrogen Dewar.
optical devices
Anton Paar
The Litesizer 500 is used to characterize particles in dispersions. Static light scattering at 90° determines the molecular weight, dynamic light scattering at 15°, 90° and 175° is used to calculate the particle size, and with electrophoretic light scattering (cmPALS) the zeta potential is investigated. Furthermore, the transmissions and refractive indices of solutions can be measured.
ISA/ Horiba
Monolith NT.115r
With the Monolith NT 115r from NanoTemper, the method of microscale thermophoresis can be used to analyze the binding between molecules, e.g. enzymes and ligands, through the measurement of fluorescence intensity differences. For that, capillaries with a varying amount of target molecule and a constant amount of green or blue fluorescent binding partner get radiated with an IR-Laser to generate a temperature gradient. Because of the “Soret-Effekt”, bound and unbound molecules diffuse away from the “warm” detection region with different velocities, resulting in a different decrease of the fluorescence intensity, depending on the ratio of bound to unbound molecules. A graphic plot of the normed intensity against the varying concentration of one binding partner enables the fit of a binding curve and the precise determination of dissociation constants (KD-values) in the micro- to nanomolar range.
film Balance
Compression Film Balance
In a Teflon trough with moveable barriers, the surface pressure at the water-air interface is measured by a Wilhelmy plate. A surface-active substance, like phospholipids dissolved in chloroform or polymers can be spread unto an aqueous subphase. Chloroform is left to evaporate and the molecules to equilibrate before compressing the molecules with the barriers. Thereby the available molecular surface area is reduced leading to an increase in surface pressure depending on the phase of the molecule. An area isotherm is measured giving information about phase transitions of the molecules in a monolayer at the water-air interface.
Adsorption Film Balance
A Wilhemly plate measures the surface pressure at the water-air interface. Phospholipids or other surface active molecules can be spread unto an aqueous subphase in a Teflon trough. Using a syringe, molecules or proteins can be injected into this subphase directly through an injection hole in the trough or by injection through or unto the surface from above. This allows measurement of the surface pressure increase and gives information of for example of protein lipid-monolayer interaction.
other devices
Anton Paar
The Anton Paar Abbemat 450 heavy-duty refractometer enables refractive index and concentration measurements to be made with an accuracy of ± 0.0001 nD. Due to the particularly robust design, aggressive chemicals can also be measured. The measurable temperature range is from 5-125° C. Due to the small sample well, only 200 µl sample volume is required for a measurement. The device can be controlled both via a digital control unit and via a computer.
Anton Paar
The Rheometer Physika MCR 301 from Anton Paar is equipped with different measuring systems. We have Coneplate (CP) and PlatePlate (PP) measuring systems of various sizes, so samples with small amounts of approx. 180-200 µl or sample volumes of up to 2 ml can be measured. The rheometer enables the measurement of viscosity and viscoelastic behavior of liquid or solid samples.
TRPS (qNano)
Tunable Resistive Pulse Sensing (TRPS) measures individual particles size, concentration and zeta potential with incredibly high precision and accuracy. TRPS is more accurate than commonly used light scattering techniques that provide bulk estimates. The qNano Gold can be used for Particles that exeed 30 nm. The concentration of particles in the fluid as a number of particles per unit volume of fluid, across a specified detectable particle size range. An accurate size distribution of these particles plotted as a histogram of concentration v particle diameter (or volume). TRPS is the technology that delivers these fundamental requirements, and in addition can measure the surface charge of individual nanoparticles.
Äkta Pure
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